Naval Battle on the Mississippi, 1861 Civil War EngravingEngraving of the great Naval battle on the Mississippi, passage of the Second Division of the Federal Squadron past St
Confederate Five Dollar Bill, 1864Confederate five dollar bill bearing the picture of Confederate president Jefferson Davis, 1864. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)
John Clifford Pemberton, Confederate generalJohn Clifford Pemberton (1814 - 1881)
General William Tecumseh Sherman" Portrait of General William Tecumseh Sherman 1820aa1891) was an American soldier, businessman, educator and author
American civil war (1861 to 1865 )Engraved and published in the Story a Great Nation by John Gilmary Shea and edited in New York by Gay Brothers & Company in 1884.Digital restoration by Pictore
Robert E. Lee, Commander at confederate army of Northern VirginiaPortrait of general Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)
Robert E. Lee surrender to GrantLee surrender to Grant at Appomattox, 1865
Confederate US Flags From 1861 To 1865Illustration of Confederate US flag designs from 1861 to 1865. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)
Confederate UniformsIllustration shows Confederate uniforms of the American Civil War
US, American Civil War cavalry captain holding sword, side view
Illustration of Confederate and Union soldiers from the American Civil War
Battle Between The Monitor & Merrimack In The Civil WarEngraving of the battle between the Confederate navy ship, the Merrimack and the Union ship, the Monitor, during the American Civil War in Hampton Roads, Virginia, March 9, 1862
Colonel Everett Peabody Civil War EngravingEngraving of Battle of Colonel Everett Peabody Civil War Engraving from Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War, Published in 1864. Copyright has expired on this artwork. Digitally restored
Bombardment of Forts Jackson, St. Philip, 1865 Civil War EngravingEngraving of the bombardment of Forts Jackson and St
Demand of Surrender of New Orleans, 1862 Civil War EngravingEngraving of the Landing of Captain Bailey and Lieutenant Perkins on the Levee, New Orleans, with flag of truce to demand the surrender of the city to the Federal Government
Battle Chart of the engament in Albemarle Sound - scanned 1888 chart
Map of the Battle of Bull RunVintage engraving of a Map of the Battle of Bull Run, The Century Magazine, 1884
Confederate Soldiers Threaten Churchgoers, TN, 1860sIllustration of Confederate soldiers rounding up Black people in a church during the American Civil War, Nashville, Tennesee, 1860s. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)
Slaves Forced To Work On Nashvillle DefensesIllustration of American slaves being forced to work on Confederate fortifications during the American Civil War, Nashville, Tennessee, Mid-19th Century. (Kean Collection/Getty Images)
Naval Combat Between The Monitor & MerrimackEngraving of the battle between the Confederate navy ship, the Merrimack and the Union ship, the Monitor, during the American Civil War in Hampton Roads, Virginia, March 9, 1862
Blockade VesselConfederate diplomats James Mason and John Slidell arrive at Southampton on La Plata during the Trent Affair, a diplomatic incident of the American Civil War, 1862. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)
Diagram Of The H. L. HunleyDrawing shows a portion of the interior of the H. L. Hunley, a Confederate submersible that became the first submarine to sink an an enemy ship, 1860s. The illustration, probably by William A
Manassas Battle21st July 1861: A violent exchange between the Yankees and Confederates at the First Battle of Manassas (the First Battle of Bull Run) during the American Civil War