Ethel Kennedy at the Funeral of Her Husband RobertEthel Kennedy leaves St. Patrick's Cathedral with her family, after the requiem mass for RFK. Robert was assassinated while campaigning for president in Los Angeles
Liza Minnelli Leaving Funeral Home(Original Caption) NEW YORK-6/27/69-: Judy Garland's daughter, Liza Minnelli, carries a small basket of flowers as she leaves funeral home following services June 27 for her famous mother
Il Area Decorated For Lincoln Funeral(Original Caption) 1865-Sprinfield, IL: Lincoln's Death: The house in which Lincoln and Hernon had their office in IL. Decorated for funeral procession
President Lincoln's Funeral Train(Original Caption) President Lincoln's funeral train, 1865. Photograph. BPA2# 2852
Funeral Of Abraham Lincoln(Original Caption) 1865-Washington, D.C.: Lincoln's funeral at the Capitol
Prisoners in Striped UniformsConvicts from Green County prison camp, wearing striped uniforms, attend the funeral of their warden
Drawing Depicting Egyptian Embalmers, Mummy and CoffinEmbalmers bandaging mummy while assistant prepared coffin. Colored wash drawing
Funeral Car Of Lord Nelson(Original Caption) Funeral car of Lord Nelson. Undated engraving. BPA2# 992
The Repeal, or the Funeral of Miss Ame-Stamp Political Cartoon by Benjamin WilsonIn this print, the treasury secretary George Grenville is seen carrying a child's coffin which says, "Miss Ame-Stamp born 1765 died 1766." (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)
Mexican Police Watch Mourners at Grave(Original Caption) 1913-Mexico: Mexican Revolution of 1913. Photo shows police watching mourners at Maderos Grave
Funeral Procession for J.P. Morgan(Original Caption) 4/14/1913-Hartford, CT: Funeral procession for American financier and banker John Pierpont Morgan
View of Funeral Site for Berlin RiotersThe famous Socialist leader Karl Liebknecht is shown speaking at Common funeral of rioters who were killed in Berlin riots
Bolshevik Funeral Goers(Original Caption) Russia: International Regiment of the Kazan Bolsheviks at a Bolshevik funeral
J. Barleycorn's Closing Wake, Bar Scene(Original Caption) 06/30/1919-New York, NY: JOHN BARLEYCORN'S WAKE. The Nation mourns, J
Soldiers Carrying Monk Eastman's CoffinSoldiers carry the coffin of gangster Monk Eastman following his murder in a Manhattan cafe
Collins and Mulcahy at Griffith's FuneralIrish president and Army commander Michael Collins (left) walks with Richard Mulcahy behind the coffin of assassinated president Arthur Griffith on August 16, 1922
Casket of Warren Harding with US Flag(Original Caption) 1923-Funeral of President Harding. Body lying in state under Capitol Rotunda
Mike Merlo FuneralMafia figure Mike Merlo's funeral
Pallbearers Carry Samuel Gompers Coffin(Original Caption) 12/22/1924-New York, NY: View of Samuel Gompers funeral. Photo shows a crowd watching as pallbearers carry the flag-draped coffin down the street
Family Attending a Funeral(Original Caption) Funeral services for Floyd Collins, whose body was found buried in debris in Sand Cave where he had been imprisoned for 2 weeks. Seated in the center are his parents, Mr. And Mrs
Funeral Procession of Chicago Gangster Angelo Genna(Original Caption) 6/1/25: Funeral of a Chicago gangster
Crowd at Rudolph Valentino Funeral(Original Caption) New York: General view of crowd outside Campbell funeral home during memorial for screen idol Rudolph Valentino
Funeral Of Rudolph Valentino(Original Caption) 8/25/1926: Miss Eva Miller at the coffin of Rudolph Valentino who is lying in state at Campbell's Funeral Parlor
Funeral Procession of Harry Houdini
Tex Rickard Funeral(Original Caption) January 10, 1929, New York, N.Y.: While 10, 000 persons sat in silence in Madison Square Garden, two ministers paid final and formal respects to Tex Rickard
Funeral for Wilmer StultzFriends and American Legion members remember pilot Wilmer Stultz during his funeral. He was killed in a plane crash
Funeral Of Frank Marlow(Original Caption) 6/28/1929- Marlow funeral- casket leaving the home of Mrs
Funeral Service for Pickets(Original Caption) 10/5/1929-Marion
View of Victims Funeral Due to the Berlin Riots(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Lindberghs Go To Identify The Remains(Original Caption) Lindbergh Kidnapping case, 1932: Car with Mrs. Lindbergh in front of funeral parlor in Trenton to identifiy the remains of the baby
Roosevelt Being Assisted Getting Out of Car-Arriving at John Voorhis Funeral(Original Caption) 1932-New York, NY- Funeral services are held at the Greenwich Presbyterian Church for John Voorhis. Photo depicts Franklin D. Roosevelt as he arrives for the services
Funeral Services for Slain Hawaiian YouthPallbearers, members of Hui Eleu Darefoot football club are shown carrying casket containing body of Joe Kahahawai, murdered Hawaiian youth, to his grave. Rev. Robert Ahuna, ex-policeman, preceding
Jean Harlow On Arm Of Step-Father(Original Caption) 9/11/1932-Hollywood, CA: Photo shows Jean Harlow on the arm of her step-father M
Funeral; Men Carrying Casket(Original Caption) 9/15/1932-Brooklyn, NY: Funeral of underworld figure Gerardo Scarpato
Funeral of Mrs. Jack "Legs" Diamond(Original Caption) 7/3/1933-New York, NY- The slain Mrs. Jack (Legs) Diamond's casket is carried from a Brooklyn undertaking establishment
Mourners at Funeral for Strike Victim(Original Caption) 9/21/1934-Mount Holly, North Carolina-In an open field at Mount Holly, NC, solemn services are held for Ernest H. Riley
Joseph Stalin Carrying BierJoseph Stalin and several important members of the Soviet government bury Sergey Kirov in the Kremlin wall
Stalin Attending Kirov's FuneralJoseph Stalin and several important members of the Soviet government bury Sergey Kirov
Funeral Procession for Maxim Gorky(Original Caption) Moscow, USSR: Not since Paris buried Victor Hugo has a man of letters had such a funeral as was given Maxim Gorky, the great Russian writer
Czechs Weep At Presidential Funeral ProcessionPrague citizens weep as a funeral procession for President Thomas G. Masaryk passes
Chaing Kai-Shek At Funeral Of Friend(Original Caption) 3/16/1937-China: General Chiang Kai-shek in tears ads he attended the funeral of General Chu Pei-Teh
Huge Crowd at CIO Headquarters(Original Caption) 6/3/1937-South Chicago
Thousands Mourn Strikers Killed by Police | Location: south Chicago, Illinois, USA
Mayor LaGuardia at Gershwin FuneralNew York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia stands with other mourners in front of Temple Emanu-el shortly before the funeral of songwriter George Gershwin
Supreme Court Members at Pierce Butler FuneralThe funeral of the late Justice Pierce Butler of the United States Supreme Court
Funeral Of King Boris(Original Caption) German delegation in the procession at the funeral of King Boris. Admiral Raeder to right with raised arm. Marshall Keitel behind with raised baton
Open Casket Surrounded by Flowers(Original Caption) 1/16/1943-Tuskegee, AL- The body of Dr
Men Carrying the Casket of Edsel Ford(Original Caption) Body of Motor Magnate Laid to Rest
Aerial View, Funeral Procession;Pershing(Original Caption) 7/20/1943-Washington, D.C.:This aerial photo shows the casket bearing the body of the late Gen. John J
Marine Funeral in Okinawa(Original Caption) 6/14/1945-Okinawa- Lest we forget--this photo shows how one father spent Father's Day. Marine Colonel Francis I. Fenton of San Diego, Calif
Caskets of Slain Protesters(Original Caption) 1/11/1946-Leon, Mexico-Caskets containing the bodies of civilians killed by army troops arrive at the cemetery
David Niven and Robert Coote Attending a Funeral(Original Caption) May 24, 1946 - Beverly Hills, California: actor David Niven (left) and English actor Robert Coote are shown at Memorial services held May 22
Fan Kneeling Before Coffin(Original Caption) 6/14/1946-Chicago, IL: Little James Short, 5, kneels in prayer as he pays his last respects to the late Jack Johnson, former World's Heavyweight Champion
Pallbearers W/Jack Johnson'S Coffin(Original Caption) 6/15/1946-Chicago
Mourners Gather for Racial Violence Victims(Original Caption) 07/31/1946-Monroe, GA.: SLAIN NEGROES LIE IN FUNERAL HOME. View of the funeral home at Monroe, GA
Indian Officials Carry Ashes of Gandhi(Original Caption) 2/19/1948-Allahabad, India- High Indian officials carry the ashes of Mohandas K
Klement Gottwald at Jan Masaryk Funeral(Original Caption) 3/15/1948-Prague
Mourners Attending Funeral of Abdul Kadir HusseiniThe coffin containing the body of Abdul Kadir Husseini, Jerusalem district commander of the Arab Liberation Army, is borne on shoulders of his bodyguards during the funeral attended by more than 20
Basilone Family Attending Burial(Original Caption) Re-Buried with Full Military Honors. Washington D.C. Eighteen soldiers and marines were reburied in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors
Fans Awaiting Babe Ruth's Coffin(Original Caption) Waiting for the Babe to come home...Crowds line the sidewalk around Yankee Stadium, August 17th, awaiting the arrival of the coffin bearing Babe Ruth
Funneral Of Babe Ruth(Original Caption) 8/18/1948-New York: Mourners file past a casket containing the remains of Babe Ruth, in Yankee Stadium, Aug. 18th 1948. (See Note)
Boy Cries Over Body Of Babe Ruth(Original Caption) 8/18/1948-New York, NY: Frank Haggerty, the freckled faced 10 years old who "represented" Babe Ruth at brother Gilbert's funeral, in Lowell, last October
Irish Revolutionary Michael Collins attends the funeral of Irish President Arthur Griffith
Anti-Pinochet Demonstrators Shouting(Original Caption) 6/16/1983-Santiago, Chile- Demonstrators shout slogans against the General Augusto Pinochet government at the funeral of Patricio Yanez in Santiago
Soldiers Stand at Funeral of Sandinista(Original Caption) 8/21/1983-Masaya, Nicaragua-Sandinista soldiers stand at attention in front of a coffin containing one of their fallen comrades
David Vetter (bubble boy)--two mourners embrace in front of his coffin
David Vetter (bubble boy) mother watches as his body is brought into chapel for funeral mass
Richard Burton's Family Leaving FuneralThe family of Richard Burton leaves the small church where his funeral was held. In front is widow Sally Burton, with Brook Williams
Funeral of Indira GandhiMourners walk with the bier of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, on its way to cremation, New Delhi, India, 3rd November 1984. Gandhi was assassinated by two of her own bodyguards on 31st October 1984
Mourners Giving Black Power SaluteMourners of MOVE members killed in the bombing by the Philadelphia Police stand in front of their former headquarters
Jerry SmithFormer Washington Redskins Sonny Jurgenson (left) and Roy Jefferson (right), assisted by a funeral home attendant
Funeral of Matthew HensonMatthew Henson, the explorer who discovered the North Pole with Cmdr. Robert E
Aggrieved Mother Walking Behind Casket(Original Caption) 1/21/1989-Miami, FL- Edith Eddy is helped from St. Mary's Cathedral, behind the casket of her son Allan Blanchard
Coretta Scott King with her Sons(Original Caption) 4/23/1990-Atlanta
Funeral of American Officer in WWIFuneral of 1st American officer killed in 26th Division
Funeral Procession Of Queen Victoria(Original Caption) Queen Victoria's funeral procession at Windsor Castle. Undated photograph
Sioux Indians GatheringFuneral scaffold of a Sioux Chief, near Fort Pierre, SD. Illustration shows a gathering of Sioux people in a settlement of teepees. Undated
The Funeral Of Poet Shelley(Original Caption) The funeral of Shelley: The poet's body burning on a pyre. Painting by L.E. Fournier. BPA 2 #1019
Helmeted Greek Addresses Athenians(Original Caption) Painting by Von Folz of the funeral oration for Pericles, the Athenian leader during its Golden Age. he died in 429 BC. Undated illustration
Felix Longoria Funeral at Arlington(Original Caption) 2/16/1949-Arlington, Virginia-The body of Felix Longoria, a Texas GI of Mexican descent whose family found trouble in paying him final honor in his home town
Funeral for Defense Secretary James Forrestal(Original Caption) Army, Navy, and Marine guard of honor stands beside the body of James V. Forrestal in the amphitheater of Arlington National cemetery as the Rt. Rev. Wallace E
View Of Altar And Guests At Funeral(Original Caption) 9/15/1949-Washington
Milton Berle and Jimmy Durante at Funeral(Original Caption) 11/28/1949- New York
Funeral Service for Leslie Coffelt(Original Caption) 11/3/1950- Washington, DC- American Legion National Guard of Honor stand guard at casket of Private Leslie Coffelt, White House Policeman at a ceremony held by the American Legion