The Conferral and Legitimation of Political Power to Charles X at Rheims on 29 May 1825
1900s, 19th-century, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, demonstration, demonstrations, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings
The Bombardment of Algiers by the French Fleet on 3 July 1830
1900s, 19th-century, 3, aged, algerian, algier, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, boat, boats, bunch of, character, copy, demonstration, demonstrations, depiction, depictions, deserted
Franz von Holtzendorff, 14 October 1829
1 person, 14, 4, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, bunch of, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, educator, educators
Heinrich VII Prince Reuss of Koestritz
1 person, 14, 2, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, character, constantinople, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, diplomat, diplomats, display, draw
Anna Haverland, 8 January 1854
1 person, 8, actresses, aged, arts, authors, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, eight, elder
Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Schiller
1 person, 9, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's, female, figure
Pope Leo XIII, born Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci
1 person, 2, 20, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, catholic, character, christian, church building, churches, construction, copy, depiction, depictions, digital
Heinrich Leo, 19 March 1799, 24 April 1878
1 person, 19, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's, figure
View from Eggersberg, to Breisach am Rhein
aged, arts, baden-wuerttemberg, baden-wurttemberg, black, black-and-white, black-white, breisach am rhein, character, copy, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, display, draw
The Muenchner Volkstheater is a theatre in Munich
2 people, aged, arts, bavarian, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, character, construction, copy, cultural site, cultural sites, depiction, depictions, digital
Building of the Imperial Chancellor in Berlin
aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, chancellors, character, construction, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn
Ludwig Dessoir, original name Leopold Dessauer
1 person, 15, 30, actors, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digit, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder
Athens in ancient times, seen from Piraeus
aged, altertum, ancient times, antiquity, arts, athens, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings
Auguste Wilbrandt-Baudius, born Auguste Baudius
1, 1st, 30, actresses, aged, arts, auguste, austrian, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings
Rudolf Brestel, 16 May 1816, 3 March 1881
1 person, 16, 3, aged, arts, austrian, black, black-and-white, black-white, bunch of, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder
August Wilhelm von Hofmann, 8 April 1818
1 person, 1818, 1818-1893, 5, 8, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, chemists, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, eight
Alpaca, Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) are captured for the shearing
4 people, aged, alpacas, america, animals, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, captured, catch, catches, caught, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw
Friedrich Paul Thumann, 5 October 1834
19, 2 people, 5, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's, figure
The Maximilianeum in Munich, Bavaria
aged, arts, bavarian, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, building, buildings, character, construction, copy, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing
Moritz Carriere, 5 March 1817, 19 January 1895
1 person, 19, 5, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's, figure
The monument of Leonardo da Vinci in front of the entrance to the Victor Emanuel Gallery in Milan
2 people, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, entrance, entrances, entry
Christoph Martin Wieland, 5 September 1733
2 people, 20, 5, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, christoph martin wieland, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder
Friedrich Rueckert, 16 May 1788
1 person, 16, academic, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's
Munich originals from the 19th century
1900s, 19th-century, adam, aged, arts, bavarian, bayern, black, black-and-white, black-white, character, copy, depiction, depictions, deserted, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, elder
The Gutenberg Monument in Frankfurt am Main
3 people, aged, arts, black, black-and-white, black-white, body of water, character, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, display, draw, drawing, drawings, drawn, elder, europe's
Two men are in an office, one sitting at a desk and the other on a chair
conversation, historical, artwork, attention, depiction, historic illustration, date, focused, attentiveness, historic, historical illustration, 11, 2 people, auf, jobs, contemporary, 1900s, focus