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Manuscript Collection

Background imageManuscript Collection: First Draft of 'Battle Hymn of the Republic'

First Draft of "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
(Original Caption) 1861- Washington, DC: Facsimile of the handwritten first draft of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Background imageManuscript Collection: Manuscript of Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution

Manuscript of Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution
Manuscript of the constitutional amendment that guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race. Amendment was actually passed two years later (1870)

Background imageManuscript Collection: Papyrus

Egyptian PapayrusMore of my photos:

Background imageManuscript Collection: Charles, Duke of Burgundy

Charles, Duke of Burgundy
Antique, Art, Authority, Barons, Burgundy, Capital Letter, Central Europe, Charles I, Charles The Bold, Color Image, Document, Dukes, Engraved Image, Equipment, Europe, European Culture, France

Background imageManuscript Collection: Isolde Plays The Harp To Entertain

Isolde Plays The Harp To Entertain
(Original Caption) Tristan and Isolde: Isolde plays the harp to entertain Tristan at a picnic. 15th century. Manuscript. BPA2# 4062

Background imageManuscript Collection: Manuscript Page from Beethoven's Missa Solemnis

Manuscript Page from Beethoven's Missa Solemnis
A manuscript page from classical composer Ludwig van Beethoven's Missa Solemnis mass

Background imageManuscript Collection: Medieval Battle Scene Between Knights

Medieval Battle Scene Between Knights
(Original Caption) Picture shows a medieval battle scene between knights in armour. It dipicts Abraham the Conqueror of Chodorlahomor. 13th Century manuscript

Background imageManuscript Collection: Ts Eliot at Desk Inspecting Manuscripts

Ts Eliot at Desk Inspecting Manuscripts
(Original Caption) T. S. Eliot: British poet, inspecting manuscripts. Undated photograph

Background imageManuscript Collection: Ts Eliot At Desk Inspecting Manuscripts

Ts Eliot At Desk Inspecting Manuscripts
(Original Caption) T. S. Eliot: British poet, inspecting manuscripts. Undated photograph

Background imageManuscript Collection: Ts Eliot At Desk Inspecting Manuscripts

Ts Eliot At Desk Inspecting Manuscripts
(Original Caption) T. S. Eliot: British poet, inspecting manuscripts. Undated photograph

Background imageManuscript Collection: Buddhist Monks Teaching Law from Palm Leaf Manuscripts

Buddhist Monks Teaching Law from Palm Leaf Manuscripts
(Original Caption) C. 1925-1930. Burma, India: Life in Burma Today. Poongyees, or Buddhist priests teaching the law from ancient palm leaf manuscripts in Burma. BPA 2 #4103

Background imageManuscript Collection: Sigmund Freud In Home Office At Desk

Sigmund Freud In Home Office At Desk
Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939, Austrian psychiatrist, in the office of his Vienna home looking at a manuscript

Background imageManuscript Collection: Golden Charter Of Emperor Charles Iv

Golden Charter Of Emperor Charles Iv
(Original Caption) The Golden Charter of Emperor Charles IV, 1356. Manuscript with seal

Background imageManuscript Collection: Portrait Of Niels Henrik Abel

Portrait Of Niels Henrik Abel
(Original Caption) Ca. 1815-1829-Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), Norwegian mathematician who pioneered in the theory of elliptical functions. Artist unknown

Background imageManuscript Collection: Manuscript of The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus

Manuscript of The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
(Original Caption) The New Colossus from the original manuscript autographed notebook of the poems of Emma Lazarus. Undated text

Background imageManuscript Collection: Conjucntion Of The Major Planets Cancer

Conjucntion Of The Major Planets Cancer
(Original Caption) Conjunction of the major planets in Cancer in 1504, as related by Sebastian Brant. Undated manuscript illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illustration of Jean Meliot Working on a Manuscript

Illustration of Jean Meliot Working on a Manuscript
Jean Meliot, 15th century scholar and author of Les Miracles de Notre Dame, shown at work on a manuscript in a scriptorium. From a miniature painting, ca. 1480

Background imageManuscript Collection: First Shot Gun Propped Up On Stand

First Shot Gun Propped Up On Stand
(Original Caption) First shot gun: Hook gun suspended on fork like stand. From Kyesser, Bellfortis manuscript

Background imageManuscript Collection: Otto Iii, German Emperor

Otto Iii, German Emperor
(Original Caption) Otto III (980-1002): German emperor enthroned as undisputed ruler. Clergy and vassals on side of throne. From Evangelar of Otto the Great, 11th century manuscript

Background imageManuscript Collection: First Picture Of An Elevator

First Picture Of An Elevator
(Original Caption) First picture of an elevator, ca 1420. The lady of the castle letting down her lover. Medieval manuscript illustration. BPA2# 1488

Background imageManuscript Collection: Archers Of The 15Th Century

Archers Of The 15Th Century
(Original Caption) Archers of the 15th century. Woodcuts from royal manuscripts

Background imageManuscript Collection: Scene From A Thousand And One Nights

Scene From A Thousand And One Nights
(Original Caption) Scene from "A Thousand and One Nights." The king, Schahriar, holding the hand of Schaharazade. From Persian Manuscript

Background imageManuscript Collection: Blood Vessels of Human Body

Blood Vessels of Human Body
(Original Caption) 1545- Paris, France Page of a manuscript written by Charles Estienne, son of Henri Estienne II who founded a publishing house in Paris in about 1502

Background imageManuscript Collection: Page From The 'Speculum Historale'

Page From The "Speculum Historale"
(Original Caption) Introduction of Jehan Du Vingnai to the Translation of "Speculum Historiale" After a Manuscript of the 14th century in the Nationalbibliothek in Paris

Background imageManuscript Collection: Miniature Painting of Signs of the Zodiac in Relation to the Human Body

Miniature Painting of Signs of the Zodiac in Relation to the Human Body
(Original Caption) Miniature signs of the zodiac in relation to the human body: Polde Limburg. Manuscript and miniature. French 15th Century 1412-1416

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illustration Of Incan Sun Festival

Illustration Of Incan Sun Festival
(Original Caption) Line drawing of an Incan Sun Festival. Undated Spanish Manuscript. BPA2# 4851

Background imageManuscript Collection: Detail of an Illustration of an Aztec Sacrifice from the Codex Magliabecchi

Detail of an Illustration of an Aztec Sacrifice from the Codex Magliabecchi
An illustration of an Aztec priest offering the beating human heart of a sacrifice victim to the war god Huitzilopochtli. From the Codex Magliabecchi, created ca. 1600-1650

Background imageManuscript Collection: Medieval Illus Of Classic 4 Temperaments

Medieval Illus Of Classic 4 Temperaments
(Original Caption) Medieval manuscript painting of "The Four Temperaments: 1) Choleric; 2) Melancholic; 3) Phlegmatic; 4) Sanguine." Undated illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illus/Man Holds Shoulders Of Woman

Illus/Man Holds Shoulders Of Woman
(Original Caption) Medieval manuscript painting of "The Four Temperaments": 2)The Melancholic. Undated illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illus Of Wak Wak Tree W/Human Fruit

Illus Of Wak Wak Tree W/Human Fruit
(Original Caption) Wak Wak Tree: bears human fruit. According to age old tradition, there existed an island in Southern Pacific on which grew a tree which was supposed to bear human beings

Background imageManuscript Collection: Manuscript Of Doctor Preparing Medicine

Manuscript Of Doctor Preparing Medicine
(Original Caption) Dioscorides, Second century Greek physician

Background imageManuscript Collection: 16th-Century Woodcut of Two Men and an Armillary Sphere

16th-Century Woodcut of Two Men and an Armillary Sphere
An illustration from Introductio in Ptholomei Cosmographia by Johannes de Stobnicza (1512)

Background imageManuscript Collection: King Arthur'S Knights Of The Round Table

King Arthur'S Knights Of The Round Table
(Original Caption) King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. Miniature of a manuscript from the Biblioteque Royale. BPA2# 673 (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageManuscript Collection: Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci

Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci
(Original Caption) Leonardo da Vinci: The proportions of man. Manuscript illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: British Letter of Capitulation

British Letter of Capitulation
(Original Caption) Facsimile of the handwritten letter of capitulation of the British at Yorktown on the 19th of October, 1781. Handwritten and signed by General Cornwallis

Background imageManuscript Collection: Errol Flynn's Manuscript Statement

Errol Flynn's Manuscript Statement
(Original Caption) 11/4/1950- Film star Errol Flynn has recently been accused of misconduct by Danielle Dervain, French girl who claims the affair took place in August in 1949 on Flynn's yacht

Background imageManuscript Collection: Marilyn Monroe Reading Typescript

Marilyn Monroe Reading Typescript
(Original Caption) Scholars are swarming to telephones to call up glamorous screen beauty Marilyn Monroe, since she recently acquired $1, 335 worth of the late Max Reinhardt's manuscripts

Background imageManuscript Collection: Marilyn Monroe Watches Isak Dinesen

Marilyn Monroe Watches Isak Dinesen
(Original Caption) 2/5/59-Nyack, New York: Actress Marilyn Monroe (left) watches as famed Danish author Isak Dinesen examines a manuscript at the home of U.S. writer Carson McCullers here, Feb. 5th

Background imageManuscript Collection: Habib Bourguiba Looks at Manuscript

Habib Bourguiba Looks at Manuscript
(Original Caption) 5/2/1961-Montreal, Canada-: President Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia (right) looks over a 1020 A.D. Islamic manuscript presented him by the McGill Institution of Islamic Studies

Background imageManuscript Collection: Editor and writer Irving Kristol at His Desk

Editor and writer Irving Kristol at His Desk
Magazine editor and writer Irving Kristol, a Neo-Marxist turned Neo-Conservative, sits at his desk surrounded by books

Background imageManuscript Collection: Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, facsimile, published in 1882

Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, facsimile, published in 1882
Sample of Greek Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, Hebrew 13, 9. Facsimile, published in 1882

Background imageManuscript Collection: Puffy fish Antique 16th Century illustration

Puffy fish Antique 16th Century illustration
puffy fish A photograph of an original 16th century page from the History of marine fishes book by Gvlielmi Rondelet published in 1558

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illuminated Manuscript

Illuminated Manuscript
Vintage engraving by Albrecht DArer c.1526 showing a pagfe from the Emperor Maximilians prayer book

Background imageManuscript Collection: Adoration of the Magi, manuscript Wernhers von Tegernsee, 12th century

Adoration of the Magi, manuscript Wernhers von Tegernsee, 12th century
The Adoration of the Magi, Copy of a page from the " Life of the Virgin Mary". Parchment manuscript Wernhers von Tegernsee (12th Century). Facsimile (lithograph), published in 1879

Background imageManuscript Collection: Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland Victorian Engraving, Circa 1840

Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland Victorian Engraving, Circa 1840
Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraving of TTrinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland Victorian Engraving, Circa 1840 from Our Own Country, Great Britain, Descriptive, Historical

Background imageManuscript Collection: Antique illustration of book production, printing press, typography

Antique illustration of book production, printing press, typography

Background imageManuscript Collection: book production, printing press, typography

book production, printing press, typography
Antique illustration of book production, printing press, typography

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illus/Man Hitting Girl On Back/Medical

Illus/Man Hitting Girl On Back/Medical
(Original Caption) Medieval painting of "The Four Temperaments": 3)The Phlegmatic. Undated illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: Illus/Girl Attends Woman Sick In Bed

Illus/Girl Attends Woman Sick In Bed
(Original Caption) Medieval manuscript painting of "The Four Temperaments": 1)The Choleic. Undated illustration

Background imageManuscript Collection: Antique Map of Europe, 1785

Antique Map of Europe, 1785
An accurate map of Europe from the best authorities. London: C. Dilly & G. Robinson: 1785. Original size: 35.7 x 37.4 cm. Coloured, Inset: Spitsbergen, East and West Greenland, and Iceland

Background imageManuscript Collection: William II of England ( c. 1056-1100), wood engraving, published in 1881

William II of England ( c. 1056-1100), wood engraving, published in 1881
William II (William Rufus, or William the Red, c.aE1056 - 1100) of England. Woocut engraving after an old miniature drawing in Paris, published in 1881

Background imageManuscript Collection: United States area: Acquisition and transfer of territory 1780 to 1870

United States area: Acquisition and transfer of territory 1780 to 1870
United States area: Acquisition and transfer of territory 1780 to1870

Background imageManuscript Collection: Rolling mill

Rolling mill
Antique illustration of a rolling mill

Background imageManuscript Collection: The Seated Scribe

The Seated Scribe
Antique illustration of The Seated Scribe

Background imageManuscript Collection: Earth map according to Claudius Ptolemaeus

Earth map according to Claudius Ptolemaeus
Antique illustration of a earth map according to Claudius Ptolemaeus

Background imageManuscript Collection: Presentation In The Temple

Presentation In The Temple
Illustration of Presentation in the Temple an 11th century Greek manuscript. (Photo by Kean Collection/Getty Images)

Background imageManuscript Collection: Diagram of a paper making factory

Diagram of a paper making factory

Background imageManuscript Collection: Saint Catherines Monastery, Sinai, Egypt, wood engraving, published in 1855

Saint Catherines Monastery, Sinai, Egypt, wood engraving, published in 1855
Saint Catherines Monastery. The today Greek Orthodox monastery in Sinai in Egypt was founded in 548 - 565 and is the oldest still inhabited monastery of Christianity. Wood engraving, published in 1855

Background imageManuscript Collection: Egyptian Inscription

Egyptian Inscription
26th May 1804: Hieroglyphics and images of ritualistic animals and objects adorn an Egyptian manuscript found amongst the swathing of a mummy. Original Artwork: Engraved by J Chapman after Denon

Background imageManuscript Collection: Antique illustration of lunch of a 16th century Flemish gentleman

Antique illustration of lunch of a 16th century Flemish gentleman from a picture of the 16th century Grimani Breviary, masterpiece of Flemish manuscript illumination

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