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76 Items
Point Shaving Charges Against Aaron Wagman and Joseph HackenAaron Wagman and Joseph Hacken(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Witnesses at Grand Jury Hearing into Basketball ScandalTwo key witnesses at the grand jury hearing into the New York basketball scandal--coach Ken Norton (left) of Manhattan and junior Kellogg (center) sophomore basketball player
Wood pigeon birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Sweet Violet, Viola Odorata, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Sweet Violet, Viola Odorata, 1863 Plants. Plate 171, Published in 1863
Dyeras Woad, Isatis tinctoria, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Dyeras Woad, Isatis tinctoria, 1863 Plants. Plate 161, Published in 1863
Jack Molinas in Federal CourtFormer Columbia basketball star jack Molinas arrives at Federal Court here, Jan. 9th
Aaron Wagman Accused of BriberyAaron Wagman, 28, of New York, shown in this September 1960 file photo, was arrested in New York, March 17, on charges of offering a bribe to an unidentified Connecticut University basketball player
Roger Brown, University of Dayton freshman, and basketball player, was named, May 24th, as an "intermediary" in the college basketball fix by New York District Attorney Frank Hogan
District Attorney Frank Hogan in New YorkDistrict Attorney Frank Hogan. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Spencer Haywood BlockingU.S. basketball player Spencer Haywood (8) is about to block a shot by Brazil's Antonio Succas (12) during Olympic action 10/22. The U.S. beat Brazil 75-63 to advance to the finals. The other U.S
Spencer Haywood from Detroit University. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Spencer Haywood Signs ContractABA basketball super star Spencer Haywood (L), is all smiles after signing a new contract for $1.9 million. Bill Ringsby, owner of the Denver Rockets is pictured looking
Fleeing E. PakistanA group of refugees, one who looks back over his shoulder for a last view of his homeland, crosses a bamboo bridge into India.(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
East Pakistan Rifle SoldiersEast Pakistan rifle soldiers go through training on the grounds of their barracks. The East Pakistanis hope to set up a provisional government. (Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Stock dove birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
tre cime di lavaredo with milky wayCoolbiere Landscapes, 868140880
Sunrise at the mountain range in DolomitesCoolbiere Landscapes, 882383874
Kumtag Desert, Xinjiang, ChinaTonnaja Travel Photography, 893215084
Monument Valley SunriseStunning sunrise over the Totem Poles rock formations in Monument Valley, Utah
Great Auk birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Sabine tern birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Puffin birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Bridled Guillemot birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Bull elk (Cervus canadensis) in field, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USAThe elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cervidae, in the world, and one of the largest land mammals in North America and Eastern Asia
Group of elks (Cervus canadensis) grazing, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USAThe elk or wapiti (Cervus canadensis) is one of the largest species within the deer family, Cervidae, in the world, and one of the largest land mammals in North America and Eastern Asia
Fog over forest, Delaware Water Gap Recreational Area, Pennsylvania, USAThe Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area is a 70, 000 acres protected area designated a National Recreation Area administered by the U.S. Department of the Interiors National Park Service
Landscape with Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley National Park, California, USADeath Valley National Park straddles eastern California and Nevada. Itas known for Titus Canyon, with a ghost town and colorful rocks, and Badwater Basinas salt flats, North Americas lowest point
Landscape with West Side Road, Death Valley National Park, California, USADeath Valley National Park straddles eastern California and Nevada. Itas known for Titus Canyon, with a ghost town and colorful rocks, and Badwater Basinas salt flats, North Americas lowest point
Moorhen birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Partridge birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Seagull birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Tern birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Black tern birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Madeira petrel birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Common coot birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Petrel birds from Great Britain 1897 birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
American gull birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Red diver birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Coat of Arms Engravings from the 18th CenturyFine Art Storehouse Digital Vision Vectors: Coat of Arms Engravings from the 18th Century
Common Guillemot birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Black Gullemot birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Little Auk birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Roseate tern birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Land rail birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Skua birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Spotted crake birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Fulmar birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Sterom petrel birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Petrel birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Grey Petrel dd birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Grebe birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Water rail birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Diver birds from Great Britain 1897Birds from Great Britain 1897 by R. Bowdler Sharpe, London
Hairy Violet, Viola Hirta, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Hairy Violet, Viola Hirta, 1863 Plants. Plate 172, Published in 1863
Whitlow Pepperwort, Lepidium Draba, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Whitlow Pepperwort, Lepidium Draba, 1863 Plants. Plate 158, Published in 1863
Wild Mignonnette, Reseda Lutea, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Wild Mignonnette, Reseda Lutea, 1863 Plants. Plate 162, Published in 1863
Upright Mignonnette, Reseda Suffruticulosa, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Upright Mignonnette, Reseda Suffruticulosa, 1863 Plants. Plate 163, Published in 1863
Sand Dog Violet, Viola Arenaria, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Sand Dog Violet, Viola Arenaria, 1863 Plants. Plate 175, Published in 1863
Hairy Mithridate Pepperwort, Lepidium Smithii, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Hairy Mithridate Pepperwort, Lepidium Smithii, 1863 Plants. Plate 157, Published in 1863
Weld, Reseda Luteola, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Weld, Reseda Luteola, 1863 Plants. Plate 164, Published in 1863
Breweras Spotted Rock Rose, Helianthemum Breweri, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Breweras Spotted Rock Rose, Helianthemum Breweri, 1863 Plants. Plate 166, Published in 1863
Reichenbachasas Dog Violet, Viola Reichenbachiana, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Reichenbachasas Dog Violet, Viola Reichenbachiana, 1863 Plants. Plate 174, Published in 1863
Marsh Violet, Viola Palustris, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Marsh Violet, Viola Palustris, 1863 Plants. Plate 170, Published in 1863
Common Swineas Cress, Senebiera Coronopus, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Common Swineas Cress, Senebiera Coronopus, 1863 Plants. Plate 160, Published in 1863
Gerardeas Dog Violet, Viola Riviniana, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Gerardeas Dog Violet, Viola Riviniana, 1863 Plants. Plate 173, Published in 1863
Common Rock Rose, Helianthemum Vulgare, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Common Rock Rose, Helianthemum Vulgare, 1863 Plants. Plate 168, Published in 1863
White Rock Rose, Helianthemum Polifolium, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of White Rock Rose, Helianthemum Polifolium, 1863 Plants. Plate 169, Published in 1863
Spotted Rock Rose, Helianthemum eu-guttatum, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Spotted Rock Rose, Helianthemum eu-guttatum, 1863 Plants. Plate 165, Published in 1863
Hoary Rock Rose, Helianthemum canum, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Hoary Rock Rose, Helianthemum canum, 1863 Plants. Plate 167, Published in 1863
Lesser Swineas Cress, Senebiera didyma, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Lesser Swineas Cress, Senebiera didyma, 1863 Plants. Plate 159, Published in 1863
Halleras Dog Violet, Viola Stagnina, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Halleras Dog Violet, Viola Stagnina, 1863 Plants. Plate 177, Published in 1863
Smithas Dog Violet, Viola Lactea, Victorian Botanical Illustration, 1863Very Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved and Hand Colored Victorian Botanical Illustration of Smithas Dog Violet, Viola Lactea, 1863 Plants. Plate 176, Published in 1863
Dolomite mountain range in the morningThe Dolomites have been included in 2009 in the UNESCO World Heritage Site because of their exceptional beauty an unique landscape