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Friedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection

A collection of images featuring all sorts of birds, animals insects and views of nature

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285 Jigsaw Puzzles

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Nuthatch -Sitta europaea-, adult

Nuthatch -Sitta europaea-, adult, running down a tree trunk, Neunkirchen, Siegerland, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, flowering

Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, flowering

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Muskrat -Ondatra zibethicus-, adult sitting on the shore of a pond eating grass

Muskrat -Ondatra zibethicus-, adult sitting on the shore of a pond eating grass, Illmitz, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Bullfinch -Pyrrhula pyrrhula- male

Bullfinch -Pyrrhula pyrrhula- male, perched on a twig, Neunkirchen, Siegerland, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Pink Flamingo -Phoenicopterus ruber- landing in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Pink Flamingo -Phoenicopterus ruber- landing in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera chlorantha), blooming

Greater Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera chlorantha), blooming

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera chlorantha), inflorescence

Greater Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera chlorantha), inflorescence

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) stretching

Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) stretching

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio), male with insect prey in its beak

Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio), male with insect prey in its beak

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) sitting on a reed stem

Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) sitting on a reed stem

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) looking out of its cave

European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) looking out of its cave

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

European ground squirrel or souslik (Spermophilus citellus) standing on its hind legs and watching its surroundings

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Skylark (Alauda arvensis) sitting on a fence post

Skylark (Alauda arvensis) sitting on a fence post

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Skylark (Alauda arvensis) sitting on a fence post

Skylark (Alauda arvensis) sitting on a fence post

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), mating

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus), mating

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: European Peacock (Inachis io) on an Eupatorium flower

European Peacock (Inachis io) on an Eupatorium flower

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on flowering Eupatorium

Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on flowering Eupatorium

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), sitting in a meadow

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), sitting in a meadow

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), sitting in a meadow

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), sitting in a meadow

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), underside, sitting in a meadow

Swallowtail (Papilio machaon), underside, sitting in a meadow

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Blue tit -Parus caeruleus- perched on an alder branch

Blue tit -Parus caeruleus- perched on an alder branch

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Siskin -Carduelis spinus-, female perched on an alder branch

Siskin -Carduelis spinus-, female perched on an alder branch

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus

Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus-, foraging in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus-, flock in flight, Camargue, France, Europe

Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus-, flock in flight, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Flamingos -Phoenicopterus roseus- foraging in shallow water

Greater Flamingos -Phoenicopterus roseus- foraging in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- standing in shallow water

Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- standing in shallow water, with a captured fish in its beak, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Two Camargue Horses -Equus caballus- eating in a protected area, Camargue, France, Europe

Two Camargue Horses -Equus caballus- eating in a protected area, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- in flight with nesting material in beak

Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea- in flight with nesting material in beak

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia

Eurasian Spoonbill or Common Spoonbill -Platalea leucorodia-, adult bird standing in shallow water, yawning, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus-, landing, Camargue, France, Europe

Greater Flamingo -Phoenicopterus roseus-, landing, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Teal duck -Anas crecca-, swimming drake, Camargue, France, Europe

Teal duck -Anas crecca-, swimming drake, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Little Egret -Egretta garzetta- standing amonst water plants at a stretch of water

Little Egret -Egretta garzetta- standing amonst water plants at a stretch of water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Slender-billed Gull -Larus genei-, wading in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Slender-billed Gull -Larus genei-, wading in shallow water, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Black-headed Gull -Larus ridibundus

Black-headed Gull -Larus ridibundus-, male perched on rotting fence post, submissive posture, Camarque, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Greater Flamingoes -Phoenicopterus roseus-, portrait, Camargue, France, Europe

Greater Flamingoes -Phoenicopterus roseus-, portrait, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea-, in flight, Camargue, France, Europe

Grey Heron -Ardea cinerea-, in flight, Camargue, France, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Redshank -Tringa totanus-, warning

Redshank -Tringa totanus-, warning, in a meadow, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Redshank -Tringa totanus- perched on a fence post

Redshank -Tringa totanus- perched on a fence post, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Redshank -Tringa totanus- perched on a fence post

Redshank -Tringa totanus- perched on a fence post, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: White Wagtail -Motacilla alba- perched on a stone pillar

White Wagtail -Motacilla alba- perched on a stone pillar

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Wheatear -Oenanthe oenanthe-

Wheatear -Oenanthe oenanthe-

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water

Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Meadow pipit -Anthus pratensis- perched on a fence post

Meadow pipit -Anthus pratensis- perched on a fence post

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Wheatear -Oenanthe Oenanthe-

Wheatear -Oenanthe Oenanthe-

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water

Ruff -Philo pugnax-, male wading through shallow water, Lauwersmeer National Park, Holland, Netherlands, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, inflorescence

Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, inflorescence

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, flowering

Green-winged orchid or Green-veined orchid -Anacamptis morio, Orchis morio-, flowering

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Hybrid of a Spider Orchid and a Bumblebee Orchid -Ophrys sphegodes x Ophrys holoserica

Hybrid of a Spider Orchid and a Bumblebee Orchid -Ophrys sphegodes x Ophrys holoserica-, flower, Koppelstein Nature Reserve, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Common Shelduck -Tadorna tadorna

Common Shelduck -Tadorna tadorna-, drake standing in a pasture, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- standing on rocky ground, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- standing on rocky ground, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, adult bird, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- sitting on its nest with two eggs and a hatched chick

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- sitting on its nest with two eggs and a hatched chick

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, young bird standing in the sand

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, young bird standing in the sand

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- with its chicks gathered under its wings

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- with its chicks gathered under its wings

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- with its chicks gathered under its wings

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula- with its chicks gathered under its wings

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, adult bird with hatched chicks, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Common Ringed Plover or Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, adult bird, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, mature bird sitting on a stone in the breeding colony, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, mature bird, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, mature bird sitting on its nest, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula

Ringed Plover -Charadrius hiaticula-, mature bird, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Meadow Pipit -Anthus pratensis

Meadow Pipit -Anthus pratensis-, young perched on post, Eider Barrage, North Frisia or Northern Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, perched on a rock calling, Eider Barrage, North Frisia or Northern Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird in flight, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird in flight, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird on nest, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird, standing on rock, Eidersperrwerk, North Frisia, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, mature bird sitting on a stone in the breeding colony, Eidersperrwerk, Schleswig-Holstein, North Friesland, Germany, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Cape Cormorant or Cape Shag -Phalacrocorax capensis

Cape Cormorant or Cape Shag -Phalacrocorax capensis-, adult flying, landing, Bettys Bay, Western Cape, South Africa

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird in flight, calling

Arctic Tern -Sterna paradisaea-, adult bird in flight, calling

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Whitethroat -Sylvia communis-, perched on a branch

Whitethroat -Sylvia communis-, perched on a branch, singing, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched on a branch

Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched on a branch, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant

Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant, singing, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant

Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant, singing, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched on a branch with tree trunk at back

Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched on a branch with tree trunk at back, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- with earthworm in beak

Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- with earthworm in beak, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- standing on a mown lawn

Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- standing on a mown lawn, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- standing on a mown lawn

Song Thrush -Turdus philomelos- standing on a mown lawn, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched in a thorn bush

Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched in a thorn bush, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant

Skylark -Alauda arvensis-, perched on a grassy plant, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

Background imageFriedhelm Adam Nature Photography Jigsaw Puzzle Collection: Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched in branch

Long-eared Owl -Asio otus-, perched in branch, Apetlon, Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria, Europe

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped