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Hans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection

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453 Photographic Prints

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Gypsy Moth -Lymantria dispar-, adult caterpillar, Lake Kerkini region, Greece, Europe

Gypsy Moth -Lymantria dispar-, adult caterpillar, Lake Kerkini region, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Mayfly or Green Drake -Ephemera danica

Mayfly or Green Drake -Ephemera danica-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- in search of nectar on Common Boneset

Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- in search of nectar on Common Boneset, Agueweed or Feverwort -Eupatorium-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Mottled Shieldbug or Stink Bug -Rhaphigaster nebulosa

Mottled Shieldbug or Stink Bug -Rhaphigaster nebulosa-, larva, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Scarlet Pimpernel, Red Pimpernel or Red Chickweed -Anagallis arvensis

Scarlet Pimpernel, Red Pimpernel or Red Chickweed -Anagallis arvensis-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: European Cockroach -Ectobius lapponicus-, female, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

European Cockroach -Ectobius lapponicus-, female, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Water chestnut, water caltrop (Trapa natans), Hortobagy ponds, Hungary, Europe

Water chestnut, water caltrop (Trapa natans), Hortobagy ponds, Hungary, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Sawfly species (Allantus scrophularia)

Sawfly species (Allantus scrophularia)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina), larva

Green Shield Bug (Palomena prasina), larva

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: European garden spider or cross spider -Araneus diadematus

European garden spider or cross spider -Araneus diadematus-, female on her web on a house wall, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Ground-ivy, Gill-over-the-ground or Creeping Charlie -Glechoma hederacea

Ground-ivy, Gill-over-the-ground or Creeping Charlie -Glechoma hederacea-, stem with flowers, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Orb Weaver -Araneus circe-, female, Mount Olympus, Litochoro, Central Macedonia, Greece

Orb Weaver -Araneus circe-, female, Mount Olympus, Litochoro, Central Macedonia, Greece

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Blackbird -Turdus merula-, female perched on nest with nestlings

Blackbird -Turdus merula-, female perched on nest with nestlings, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca)

Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)

Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Shield Bug species (Carpocoris purpureipennis), larva, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Shield Bug species (Carpocoris purpureipennis), larva, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Striped Shieldbug (Graphosoma semipunctatum), Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Striped Shieldbug (Graphosoma semipunctatum), Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Shield Bug species (Carpocoris mediterraneus), Leptogaria, Greece, Europe

Shield Bug species (Carpocoris mediterraneus), Leptogaria, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Fragile Brittlegill (Russula fragilis) mushroom

Fragile Brittlegill (Russula fragilis) mushroom

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera)

Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Shield Dapperling (Lepiota clypeolaria) mushroom

Shield Dapperling (Lepiota clypeolaria) mushroom

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Webcap (Cortinarius sp. ) mushroom

Webcap (Cortinarius sp. ) mushroom
Webcap (Cortinarius sp.) mushroom

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Tawny Grisette or Orange-brown Ringless Amanita (Amanita fulva) mushroom

Tawny Grisette or Orange-brown Ringless Amanita (Amanita fulva) mushroom

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Cowslip (Primula veris)

Cowslip (Primula veris)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Woodland tulip (Tulipa sylvestris)

Woodland tulip (Tulipa sylvestris)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Bears garlic, wild garlic (Allium ursinum)

Bears garlic, wild garlic (Allium ursinum)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus), Hortobagy Puszta plains, Hungary, Europe

Flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus), Hortobagy Puszta plains, Hungary, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Heartleaf iceplant, baby sun rose (Aptenia cordifolia), Cyprus island, Greece, Europe

Heartleaf iceplant, baby sun rose (Aptenia cordifolia), Cyprus island, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Ground Beetle species (Carabus cancellatus)

Ground Beetle species (Carabus cancellatus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Longhorn Beetle species (Gaurotes virginea)

Longhorn Beetle species (Gaurotes virginea)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Longhorn Beetle species (Plagionotus arcuatus)

Longhorn Beetle species (Plagionotus arcuatus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Yellow-green eucinetid beetle (Hoplia farinosa)

Yellow-green eucinetid beetle (Hoplia farinosa)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Clover Leaf Weevil (Hypera zoilus)

Clover Leaf Weevil (Hypera zoilus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta)

Darkling Beetle (Lagria hirta)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Scentless Plant Bug species (Stictopleurus cf pictus)

Scentless Plant Bug species (Stictopleurus cf pictus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata)

Meadow Plant Bug (Leptopterna dolabrata)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Stinking Hellebore or Dungwort (Helleborus foetidus), Germany, Europe

Stinking Hellebore or Dungwort (Helleborus foetidus), Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Spotted Gentian (Gentiana punctata), Pitztal, Tyrol, Austria, Europe

Spotted Gentian (Gentiana punctata), Pitztal, Tyrol, Austria, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Lesser Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera bifolia), single flower

Lesser Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera bifolia), single flower

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Large Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora)

Large Yellow Foxglove (Digitalis grandiflora), Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Real meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

Real meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), Weiherwiesen, Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Purple Betony or Bishops Wort (Stachys officinalis)

Purple Betony or Bishops Wort (Stachys officinalis)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium)

White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium), Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: European Common Twayblade (Listera ovata), single flowers

European Common Twayblade (Listera ovata), single flowers

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Fringed Water-lily or Yellow Floating-heart, (Nymphoides peltata)

Fringed Water-lily or Yellow Floating-heart, (Nymphoides peltata)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Small Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia), adult caterpillar feeding on a blackthorn leaf

Small Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia), adult caterpillar feeding on a blackthorn leaf

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Berry Shield Bug (Dolycoris baccarum)

Berry Shield Bug (Dolycoris baccarum)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Twin Spot Longhorn Beetle (Oberea oculata)

Twin Spot Longhorn Beetle (Oberea oculata)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Thick-headed Fly (Sicus ferrugineus)

Thick-headed Fly (Sicus ferrugineus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)

Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Bumblebee Hoverfly (Temnostoma bombylans)

Bumblebee Hoverfly (Temnostoma bombylans)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Dance Fly (Empis tessellata)

Dance Fly (Empis tessellata)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Manx Robber Fly (Machimus sp. )

Manx Robber Fly (Machimus sp. )
Manx Robber Fly (Machimus sp.)

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Round-necked Longhorn -Rosalia alpina

Round-necked Longhorn -Rosalia alpina-, male, Huelben, Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Smokey Gilled Woodlover mushroom -Hypholoma capnoides

Smokey Gilled Woodlover mushroom -Hypholoma capnoides-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Chinese Trumpet Vine -Campsis grandiflora-, inflorescence, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Chinese Trumpet Vine -Campsis grandiflora-, inflorescence, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Water Frog -Rana sp. - in water covered with duckweed, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Water Frog -Rana sp. - in water covered with duckweed, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe
Water Frog -Rana sp.- in water covered with duckweed, Leptokaria, Greece, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: German or European wasp -Vespula germanica

German or European wasp -Vespula germanica-, on Stonecrop -Sedum telephium-, Untergroenigen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Forest bug -Pentoma rufipes-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Forest bug -Pentoma rufipes-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- feeding on nectar of snakeroots

Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- feeding on nectar of snakeroots, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Tachinid fly -Ectophasia crassipennis

Tachinid fly -Ectophasia crassipennis-, feeding on nectar on Autumn aster -Aster sp.-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Tachinid fly -Ectophasia crassipennis

Tachinid fly -Ectophasia crassipennis-, feeding on nectar on Autumn aster -Aster sp.-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed or Devils Paintbrush -Hieracium aurantiacum

Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed or Devils Paintbrush -Hieracium aurantiacum-, single flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Himalayan Balsam -Impatiens glandulifera

Himalayan Balsam -Impatiens glandulifera-, single flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Himalayan Balsam -Impatiens glandulifera

Himalayan Balsam -Impatiens glandulifera-, single flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Parasitc fly -Elomya lateralis- on petal of Coneflower -Rudbeckia

Parasitc fly -Elomya lateralis- on petal of Coneflower -Rudbeckia-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Tachinid fly -Tachina magnicornis

Tachinid fly -Tachina magnicornis-, feeding on Autumn aster -Aster sp.-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta

Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta-, wing underside, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Hawthorn shield bug -Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale

Hawthorn shield bug -Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Golden flame honeysuckle -Lonicera heckrottii

Golden flame honeysuckle -Lonicera heckrottii-, inflorescence, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Pale Prominent -Pterostoma palpina

Pale Prominent -Pterostoma palpina-, caterpillar in shock position on a willow leaf, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: European hoverfly -Helophilus trivittatus

European hoverfly -Helophilus trivittatus-, feeding on Autumn aster -Aster sp.-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Red Banded Polypore -Fomitopsis pinicola

Red Banded Polypore -Fomitopsis pinicola-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Hoverfly -Sericomyia silentis

Hoverfly -Sericomyia silentis-, basking in sun, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Blowfly -Calliphora sp. -, on an ivy flower

Blowfly -Calliphora sp. -, on an ivy flower
Blowfly -Calliphora sp.-, on an ivy flower, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: European hoverfly or Drone fly -Eristalis tenax

European hoverfly or Drone fly -Eristalis tenax-, basking in sun, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Wood Blewit -Lepista nuda-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Wood Blewit -Lepista nuda-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Chestnut Dapperling -Lepiota castanea

Chestnut Dapperling -Lepiota castanea-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Coral Fungi or Antler Fungi -Ramaria pallida

Coral Fungi or Antler Fungi -Ramaria pallida-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Noon Fly -Mesembrina meridiana- on flowering ivy

Noon Fly -Mesembrina meridiana- on flowering ivy, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Noon Fly -Mesembrina meridiana- on flowering ivy

Noon Fly -Mesembrina meridiana- on flowering ivy, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHans Lang Nature Photography Photographic Print Collection: Horn Fly -Tetanocera sp. -, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Horn Fly -Tetanocera sp. -, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Horn Fly -Tetanocera sp.-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

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